原定于延期到3月21日举行的“华府元宵晚会及庙会”将再度延后。目前组委会初步决定场地仍然会尽量选在原先计划的盖城高中(Gaithersburg High School);日程推迟到传统的庆祝中秋节活动期间(9月底或10月初),具体日期确定以后会及时通知大家。我们将尽量保持原来晩会和庙会的内容和质量,表现形式可能有所变化。已经购买了⻔票的朋友们无须担心,待我们确定好日期和场地后,门票或许仍然有效;如果有变,我们会安排合理渠道退票。
真诚感谢大华府华人华侨多年来对同乡会联合合举办的各种活动所给予的厚爱和支持。 衷心祝愿大家身体健康、万事如意!
“大华府元宵晚会及庙会”组委会 敬启
Due to three confirmed cases of COVID-19 caused by a recently identified new strain of the coronavirus in Montgomery County, Maryland, and the uncertainty of the current spread pattern of this coronavirus in the United States and in our local area, the Coordination Council of Chinese American Associations (CCCAA) Executive Committee has decided to postpone our already re-scheduled event of the “Show and Fair” on March 21, 2020 which was originally prepared for our Annual Lateral Festival.
At the current stage, our plan is to have a similar event at a very close day to the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration at the end of September or early October. We will let you know the new date and location for the event once we have made our new decision.
We are so sorry for any inconvenience may cause. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you very much for your cooperation and support!